A First with MedcoEnergi

Illustration : Structure of GLCC is being made at our Cikarang workshop Editor : MPAS In the year 2021, MPAS have been employed by PT Megatrindo Internasional ( MTI ) to manufacture a Gas-Liquid Cylindrical Cyclone or GLCC ( See Below ), that would be put into an Oil Platform at the South Natuna Sea, […]

Top Management Visit to Pertamina Hulu Rokan

Illustration : Site Inspection with Management Team alongside Crew and Company Representative from PHR ( Pertamina Hulu Rokan ), Pak Rudiyanto Editor : MPAS Following from the previous site inspection at Pertamina EP Zona 7 Tambun, another site inspection was conducted at Pertamina Hulu Rokan during the 7th September to the 13th of September 2022. Pertamina Hulu […]

Site Inspection at Pertamina EP Zona 7 Tambun

Illustration : Site Inspection with Management Team alongside Field Manager and Crew Editor : MPAS Site inspections are needed to be done regularly to ensure that operations and performances are being done to the highest possibility and it is compulsory to keep both, MPAS and Pertamina satisfied. Halfway into the current contract between Pertamina and […]

South Sudan with DPOC – Nile Delta

Illustration : MPFM unit at South Sudan field Editor : MPAS At March 2021, MPAS had successfully sent a unit across the Indian Ocean to the Dar Petroleum Operating Company located at the Republic of South Sudan, a project that had been in the works for almost an entire year. The project included the procurement […]

MPAS’ First Adventure with Pertamina EP

Illustration : Team photo at Site with MPFM unit at the background. Editor : MPAS Mitra Prana Abadi Sentosa’s oldest client to this date, Pertamina EP Zona 7 Tambun. It is located at Jl. Pertamina Raya Ds. Kedung Jaya, Kampung Wates, Babelan-Bekasi Utara, outside of Jakarta. MPAS started its working relationship with Pertamina EP Zona 7 Tambun […]

Konsol Game Mahal, Gamer Lebih Pilih PC

Menurut hasil analisis yang dilakukan perusahaan riset DFC Intelligence, saat ini telah terjadi pergeseran tren di industri game. Jika di era 80-an dan 90-an para gamer lebih memilih memainkan game pada platform konsol karena harganya terjangkau, maka kini gamer diyakini lebih gemar bermain game di platform personal computer (PC). Salah satu penyebab utamanya adalah harga […]